Background Checks and Security Clearances

Investigators May Contact

  • Friends
  • Coworkers
  • Landlords
  • Family 
  • Neighbors

Four Levels of Security Clearances

  • Confidential: this type of security clearance provides access to information that could cause damage to national security if disclosed without authorization. It must be reinvestigated every 15 years. 
  • Secret: same as confidential clearance but must be reinvestigated every 10 year
  • Top Secret: same as confidential clearance but must be reinvestigated every five years
  • Top Secret, Sensitive Compartmented information: SCI is an access program that gets “added on” to the clearance

Federal Employment Disqualifiers

  • Citizenship
  • Criminal History
    • Crimes such as fraud, embezzlement, and tax evasion show a lack of moral character
  • Bankruptcy or Debt
  • Substance Abuse
  • Inconsistencies
  • Conflicts of Interest
  • SF-85 Disqualifications - providing false information
  • Bad Credit

Improving Chances of Obtaining a Government Position

  • Become a US Citizen
  • Be Qualified
  • Complete Application
  • Pay off debts and improve credit rating
  • Rehabilitated Behavior