Project 2025 proposes significant changes to the education system that could have detrimental effects on children. By aiming to dismantle the Department of Education, it threatens the federal support and oversight that ensures educational standards and protections for vulnerable populations, including LGBTQ children. The initiative seeks to eliminate funding for schools that implement Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) initiatives and enforce vaccine mandates, undermining efforts to create inclusive and safe learning environments. Additionally, framing education as a "states' rights" issue could exacerbate disparities across states, leading to unequal access to quality education and resources. Overall, these proposals raise serious concerns about the well-being and rights of all students.

Forcing Religious Doctrine in Public Schools

Ryan Walters, Oklahoma's Public School Corruption

Oklahoma's state superintendent of public education, Ryan Walters, has issued a directive requiring all public schools to incorporate the Bible and the Ten Commandments into their teaching starting this fall. This move follows a similar law in Louisiana mandating the display of the Ten Commandments in classrooms. Walters argues that understanding the Bible is essential for grasping American history and values.
Oklahoma Superintendent Ryan Walters has initiated a controversial plan to purchase 55,000 Bibles for schools, opening bids for a contract that specifies the King James Version, along with certain historical documents. The requirement for the Bibles to be bound in leather or leather-like material limits the options available, with the “God Bless the U.S.A. Bible” endorsed by Donald Trump, potentially being a primary candidate.

Michele Morrow and North Carolina

Michele Morrow, the republican candidate for Superintendent of Public Instruction in North Carolina, is among several individuals who believe that the left is using schools to eliminate references to God and portray white people as adversaries. Like some other extreme candidates, she draws troubling comparisons between being transgender and pedophilia, instilling fear among her supporters, primarily Evangelical Christians, by portraying public schools as threats. Notably, she does not have children in public schools and previously put them at risk by attending the January 6 insurrection with them. Morrow has connections to controversial groups such as Moms for Liberty and the Proud Boys.

Dismantle the Department of Education

Trump called to dismantle the Department of Education (and that he needs Elon Musk’s help to do it) and said “we have the lowest scores almost in the world and we spend more per pupil than any other nation” - both of which are not true. We do spend second most per pupil than any other nation, but our test scores are higher than average, and the main subject Americans score poorly on is Math.

This is not a new idea, as shown in a blog called Politics of the Cross Resurrected. In a post from 2012, the blogger wrote an article called “It is time for Educational Reform: Don’t Privatize It - Parentize it”, where he brought up Mitt Romney’s proposal at the time, which aligns very similarly with goals in Project 2025, because Romney was given his own copy of the Mandate for Leadership by the Heritage Foundation.

*A not so fun note, there is the DeVos Center for Religion and Civil Society at the Heritage Foundation. "Heritage established the DeVos Center for Religion and Civil Society in 2004. It is named in honor of the late Richard and Helen DeVos, whose generous contributions to Heritage and other organizations have improved civil society throughout America." They are the parents of Trump's appointed Secretary of Education, Betsy DeVos. They Co-founded the pyramid scheme Amway. Richard DeVos was on former President Ronald Reagan's Commission on the HIV Epidemic. During his time there, he wasn't sympathetic to their "special treatment" requests, saying, "You are responsible for your actions, too, you know. Conduct yourself properly."  


This mandate is given to every conservative president every time they run. Romney and Trump do not come up with these ideas themselves, they vocalize them. In most cases, the Heritage Foundation comes up with these ideas. Here is an article that transcribes a (now deleted) YouTube video about him and Newt Gingrich discussing the Heritage Foundation’s mandate.

Romney Proposed:

Allow low-income and special needs students to choose schools by making funding portable.

  • Expand Education Choice Through Portability of Existing Federal Funds Setting education policy on the right track long term would require sunsetting the U.S. Department of Education altogether. Doing so would not result in fewer resources and less assistance for children with special needs or from low-income families. Rather, closing the federal behemoth would better target existing taxpayer resources already set aside for these students by shifting oversight responsibilities to federal and state agencies that have more expertise in helping these populations. (p. 349)

Encourage states to adopt policies that increase school choice and eliminate caps on charter and digital schools.

  • The D.C. Opportunity Scholarship Program, a voucher program providing scholarships to children from low-income families living in the nation’s capital to attend a private school of choice, is capped at $20 million annually and limited to students at or below 185 percent of the federal poverty line. The maximum scholarship amount is $9,401 for students in kindergarten through eighth grade and $14,102 for students in grades nine through 12. The average scholarship amount is around $10,000, or less than half of the current per-student funding amount in D.C. Public Schools. (p. 346-347)

Expand successful programs like the DC Opportunity Scholarship Program.

  • The D.C. Opportunity Scholarship Program, which provides vouchers to low-income children living in the nation’s capital—appropriate as D.C. is under the jurisdiction of Congress—should be expanded into a universal program, formula-funded, and moved to the Department of Health and Human Services (p. 326)

Allotting Taxpayer money to private religious schools

Carson v. Makin

Trump's Secretary of Education, Betsy DeVos, refused to stand against Discrimination in Private Schools that receive Public Funds.

DeVos, Trump's personally appointed Secretary of Education during his first presidency, would NOT answer the question that these private religious schools that receive public funds would be able to discriminate against LGBTQ+ and religious persons. She even mentions that her department will not be making these decisions, Congress and The Supreme Court will, further echoing the same sentiment in Project 2025.

Parents’ Rights and restriction of Educational Material based on Religious Doctrine

Groups such as Moms for Liberty are banning books from school libraries that have anything to do with gender ideology or LGBTQ+ ideas, or anything about race.

  • This group began campaigning against COVID-19 responses in schools, and are influential within the Republican Party. The Southern Poverty Law Center, a civil rights organization that tracks extremists, termed Moms for Liberty a far-right extremist organization. They have been affiliated with the Proud Boys and the anti LGBTQ+ group Gays against Groomers

Project 2025 includes a proposal for a Parents' Bill of Rights, positioning parental rights as a primary concern.

  • Conservative groups have strongly advocated for greater parental control over school curricula, particularly regarding critical race theory and gender education, seeking to align lessons with their personal beliefs and values.
  • The proposed federal legislation may lead to increased legal conflicts between parents and schools, which can be costly and resource-draining for already-strapped educational institutions. Furthermore, implementing these laws could heighten social and political divisions within communities, fostering tensions among parents, educators, and school boards, and resulting in a contentious atmosphere in schools.


Conservative Propaganda

  • PragerU, technically an American 501(c)(3) nonprofit advocacy group, cannot officially endorse any politician. However, its content, aimed at children, promotes conservative and capitalist perspectives on a range of political, economic, and sociological issues. Despite including "university" in its name, it does not function as an academic institution.

Incorrect or extremely biased Information - Climate Change


Prager U’s videos also hold controversial stances on immigration, the history of fascism, and anti-LGBT politics.

An actual screenshot showing that Republicans didn’t own any slaves, trying to force a divide between the two parties when most of their values have switched.

Terrifyingly Militaristic Sunday School Songs for Kids, and the Christian School Pledge of Allegiance

  • The normalization of songs like "I’m in the Lord’s Army" in private schools and churches raises significant concerns about the messages they convey to children. These songs often glamorize military imagery—guns, airplanes, and horses—framing them in a playful context that can mask the serious implications of such themes. By presenting a metaphorical "battle" for faith, these teachings prepare children for a struggle they may not fully comprehend, embedding a combative mindset that equates religious devotion with militarism. This not only shapes their understanding of conflict but can also influence their perceptions of violence and authority in the broader societal context.
  • Kids in these schools not only pledge to the American Flag in the morning, but also the Christian Flag.