Donald Trump and J.D. Vance tout themselves as champions of the family, yet their divisive rhetoric has fractured countless American households. Many families find themselves torn apart as parents, siblings, and children embrace harmful conspiracy theories and radical ideologies.

The radicalization of young men in alt-right online spaces has led to the spread of numerous unfounded beliefs, such as the notion that microchips are embedded in the COVID vaccine, that Christian nationalism represents the only legitimate form of American identity, and that LGBTQ individuals and women do not deserve equal rights. Other false claims include the denial of climate change, the scapegoating of immigrants for societal issues, the labeling of the military as "woke," and the assertion that Republicans are inherently better at managing the economy. These ideologies are not based in reality. People have been conditioned to accept whatever "their side" asserts as truth, often disregarding factual evidence.

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Antisemitism, White Nationalism, and Alt-Right Internet Spaces

The Charlottesville Rally and rise of actual Nazis, some of which Trump has dinner with. Alex Jones and Infowars, Steve Bannon. The Dark Enlightenment, Curtis Yarvin, and JD Vance. Racist Ideologies. The Attempted Assassination of Donald Trump.

COVID-19 and Vaccine Mistrust

Trump pushed for alternate medications like hydroxychloroquine, ivermectin, and injecting bleach to cure people of the coronavirus. Many people still push these myths in online circles.

Christian Nationalism in Education

The rise of parents’ rights groups like Moms For Liberty. School Choice. PragerU and their controversial videos made for children.  Project 2025 wants to dismantle the department of Education. 

Back in the Closet

After overturning Roe v. Wade, Clarence Thomas suggested that gay marriage was on the table. Project 2025 wants to remove trans rights, including making certain words unspeakable, and force religious ideologies. 

Feminism is Cancer

Project 2025 wants to allow religious employers to discriminate against women and minorities. Why does the right hate feminism and want to repeal decades of women's rights? Andrew Tate and the Manosphere's influence on young men.

Climate Change is a Hoax

Project 2025 wants to repeal ALL of Biden's climate change initiatives in favor of fossil fuels. It calls for privatizing the National Weather Service and defunding FEMA while storms become stronger and more devastating.

"Woke Generals"

Trump takes credit for getting the US out of Afghanistan, but not for the deaths of the troops left behind. Trump insults John McCain. Arlington Cemetery photo op goes wrong. Trump wants to weaponize law enforcement to take down protesters who don't share right-wing ideologies.

Fiscally Conservative

Are republicans actually better at the economy? Project 2025 would raise taxes on the middle class. Trump's personal financial record. The secondary effects of Project 2025 would devastate the American economy. The Cost of Climate Change.

The Thin Blue Line

Trump's appointed Secretary of Defense left police forces on the Capitol to fend for themselves while he delayed calling for backup. Trump wants to weaponize local police to cooperate with ICE. Project 2025 and the death penalty. Why are so many white nationalists police and military? 

They're Eating the Cats

One of Trump’s main promises is border security, which is important. But, what facts does he have right? Where else have we heard this before? Eating the pets. Colony Ridge.


Only One Kind of Family

 What does JD Vance think of the childless? LGBTQ+ parents raising kids? Step-parents? If you aren't a Christian family, you're not important to them. Project 2025 would be bad for children. Baby formula labels and school lunches.


"Some People should Just Die" - Trump's Oopinions on the Disabled

Project 2025 wants to make it harder for people with disabilities to get their benefits. Fred Trump and his disabled son. Trump mocks disabilities at his rallies. Work Requirements and pre-existing conditions for food stamps. 


The Flying Spaghetti Monster

Was America founded as a Christian Nation? We discuss Christian Nationalism in Education, but what about everywhere else? What does Project 2025 say about Non-Christians? 


Liberal Brainwashing Centers

Why does Project 2025 want to get rid of college education requirements? Why do college educated people tend to lean left? What does Project 2025 say about Student loans? Why is Trump trying to deport protesting students who are legally allowed to be here?


Made in America

One of Trump's talking points is that we've outsourced all of our labor to China. How will Trump's policies affect labor laws for US Citizens? Also, Trump's bibles were Made in China.