What is Gab?

Gab.com is a social media platform that was founded in 2016, positioning itself as a free speech alternative to mainstream platforms like Twitter. It has become known for its lack of content moderation and has attracted users who feel censored on other sites, including individuals associated with far-right ideologies, conspiracy theories, and hate groups.

How do "Free Speech" Platforms end up being spaces for alt-right extremism?

  • Content Moderation Policies: Many platforms that promote themselves as "free speech" often adopt minimal moderation practices. This can create an environment where extreme views, including those from the alt-right, can thrive without consequence.

  • Algorithmic Amplification: Platforms often use algorithms designed to maximize engagement, which can inadvertently favor sensational or controversial content. Extremist viewpoints can attract attention and engagement, leading to their increased visibility.

  • Echo Chambers: These platforms can become echo chambers where like-minded individuals gather. This can reinforce extremist ideologies, as users are often exposed only to viewpoints that confirm their beliefs.

  • Community Building: Alt-right groups often use these platforms to build communities, share resources, and organize events. The sense of belonging can draw in new members and solidify extremist views.

  • Perception of Victimhood: Many alt-right groups frame themselves as defenders of free speech against perceived censorship, which can attract individuals who feel marginalized or silenced.

  • Radicalization Pathways: Once individuals are exposed to extremist content, they may be gradually led down a path of radicalization, with more extreme views becoming normalized within their social circles.

  • Lack of Accountability: With a focus on free speech, there can be little accountability for harmful behavior or hate speech, allowing extremists to operate with relative impunity.

Who is Andrew Torba?

Andrew Torba is the founder and CEO of Gab. He has promoted the platform as a haven for free speech, often criticizing what he views as censorship by major tech companies. Torba's leadership has drawn attention due to his controversial views and the site's association with extremist content, raising concerns about its role in facilitating hate speech and disinformation.

Who is Andrew Isker?

Andrew Isker is known for his association with far-right movements and as a prominent figure within the online alt-right community. He has been involved with various extremist groups and is often cited for promoting controversial views on race, gender, and politics. Isker has also been active on platforms like Gab, where he shares his ideology and connects with like-minded individuals. His presence in these spaces has drawn criticism and scrutiny due to the extremist nature of his beliefs and the potential influence he has on promoting hate and division.

Andrew Isker is also a pastor in Minnesota. 

Andrew Torba and Andrew Isker's Christian Nationalist Books

You live in a dystopia. Every part of historical human existence in our world has been turned on its head. The world we live in is an inversion of what God created you to live in. All that is good is treated as though it were repugnant. All that is beautiful is treated as though it were repulsive. And the truth is forbidden while the most outrageous lies are exalted. This world did not become like this by accident or by inexorable forces of history. This world was engineered to be this way. It was designed to take the life your ancestors had and tear it apart to prevent you from attaining a normal, human way of life.

We are already in the midst of decades of social engineering. The society we have is already an anti-human one. It is already one designed to remove from you all that made life meaningful and fulfilling. It has torn you from people and place. It is designed to make you isolated, lonely, and, above all else, totally docile. Throughout the pages of this book, I use the term Trashworld to describe this dystopian society. And the point of The Boniface Option is to make you see it for what it is and to begin the hard work of escaping and overcoming it.

"Young man, you've come of age in an Age when God is handing the Western World over to its wickedness. That's the essence of judgment, to give a person, a community, a nation, or a civilization over to the nothingness of its illusions. Marcus Aurelius, the Roman Emperor, once said, 'It is crazy to want what is impossible. And it is impossible for the wicked not to do so. Andrew Isker has done you a favor. He's written a book for you that cuts through the miasma pouring out of every institution that now squats on the cultural landscape. You've been lied to you about everything of importance your entire life. As a result, a healthy cynicism probably colors your thinking. But if that's the only color you see, you will die from despair. This is where Andrew is so helpful. He speaks your language, but he also has something hopeful to say that might be new to you. Even though you're surrounded by fools, there is still a path that the wise may follow. It is well worn furrow made by many feet. That's actually the historical meaning of the word "lore"--a word once used as a synonym for wisdom, but to imply a path to follow rather than just an ivory tower to look down at the world from.”


What content is on Gab.com?
