Conservative Movement History

What are Conservatives trying to Conserve?

  • American Exceptionalism

The Progressives

  • Woodrow Wilson
    • First federal income tax
    • Drastically increased federal spending
    • Federal Reserve Act
    • Amendment XVII - Direct election of senators
  • The Old Right included Harding and Coolidge, who swung the pendulum back to limited government
  • FDR and the New Deal legacy
    • If there was a Mt. Rushmore for progressive presidents it would have:
      • Woodrow wilson
      • Franklin Roosevelt
      • Lyndon Johnson
      • Barack Obama

The History of the Philosophical Foundations of the Conservative Movement

  • The Four P’s of a Political Movement
    • Philosophers
      • Conservative Three-Legged Stool
        • Classical Liberals / Libertarians
          • Laissez-faire economics 
        • Traditionalists
          • Shocked by the Red Scare, wanted to return to old religions
          • Robert Nisbet - “The history of the West since the end of the Middle Ages was the story of decline of intermediate associations b/t the individual and the state. The weakening and dissolution of such ties as family, church, guild, and neighborhood had not, as many had hoped, liberated men. Instead, it has produced alienation, isolation, spiritual desolation, and the growth of mass man. But man cannot live in Hobbesian isolation, and so, to satisfy his longings, he seeks out community eventually, finding it in the totalitarian state”
        • Anti-Communists
      • Conservative Fusion and the Popularizers
        • Buckley, meyer, and Fusionism
    • Popularizers
      • Human Events : Early Conservative weekly newspaper
      • The five tidal waves of conservative media
    • Philanthropists
      • Building the Movement Infrastructure
      • The Funding Fathers
        • SO MANY, including Joseph Coors, ULine, Peter Thiel & Paypal
        • They wrote a book about it called “Funding Fathers” 
    • Politicians