Left-Wing Code Words and Language

The 5 Topic Areas:

  • Women, Children, & Family
    • It’s bad to teach girls about their sexual parts at a young age 
    • Girls who get pregnant should not think abortion is an option
    • She believes it is good that there is no mention of reproductive rights at G7 development ministerial
    • Other words for “abortion” that have been weaponized by the left include:
      • “Sexual and reproductive health” (SRH)
      • “Reproductive rights”
      • “Sexual and reproductive health services”
      • “Reproductive health services”
      • “Health services”
      • “Sexual and reproductive health and reproductive rights (SRHRR)
      • “Sexual and reproductive health and rights” (SRHR)
    • Trump’s Mexico City Policy prevents abortion rights in other countries 
    • The left created “She Decides” which was an international movement that actively promoted abortion services and advocacy
  • Environment
    • Global warming and climate change is a hoax. In the 80’s it was the ice age, then acid rain, then global warming during the Obama administration. Climate change just means seasons. 
  • If there is a conservative president, they would have to eradicate climate change references from absolutely everywhere. 
    • The narrator believes that the left uses climate change to scare people out of having children (not true) and it is used for population control.
  • Human Rights and Border Security
    • The left is always coming up with new “rights”. Conservatives changed the language to “unalienable rights”, which is grounded on our nation’s founding principles
    • “Illegal immigration is one of the most devastating challenges america faces today, especially when including human trafficking and illicit drugs
      • The left uses “migrants”, “undocumented immigrants” to sound softer. They avoid using the word “alien”. She suggests later in the video that we need to match the law to conservative language in order to win more fights over the narrative.
      • One of the narrators alleges that the Biden administration is working with the Mexican cartels to smuggle in illegal immigrants.
  • The Gender Cult
    • Overblows the fact that sex and gender are different, and says that the left has made gender identity a big deal. She says that we should not use the word “gender”, and should instead use “sex”, “biological sex”, “male”, “female”
    • The phrase “sex assigned at birth” is the left’s attempt to change biological fact and enforce their belief that biological sex can change
    • Pronouns are stupid, apparently. Don’t use it in email signature blocks, or linkedIn. 
    • Every political appointee should expect to get pestered by staff for issues like this. The political appointee, no matter what position of seniority, has the job of implementing the president’s agenda
    • Gender affirming care should scare parents, it is genital mutilation. 
  • Equity
    • Equity no longer means all men are created equal, the narrator suggest that the left’s equity gives people unfair advantages

How to Identify (and replace) Misguiding Language

    • Look for OMB guidance (office of management and budget)
      • Instruct career employees that you want to be informed of ALL OMB guidance and how it is being implemented internally
      • Be aware of HOW career employees reporting to you are implementing the President’s executive orders and OMB directives. Be involved in that process
    • Look at guidance documents
      • These are a federal career employee’s interpretation of a statute or an appropriation given by congress, or a rule or regulation and how it’s going to be implemented
      • A guidance document is NOT binding
      • OMB can and should come out with a plan to take down all Guidance Documents that reflect the Biden Administration Agenda
    • Read every single executive order
      • Be a part of the process that career employees are using to implement executive orders
      • Inserting yourself into the implementation process ensures career employees are not inaccurately executing executive orders, thus diminishing the order’s intended purpose and negating positive contributions to the President’s agenda
    • Identify and remove unnecessary conditions from preexisting grants
      • Beware of existing conditions that fund or otherwise support organizations that are not aligned with the President's policy priorities

Any “Equity” executive orders are going to be repealed very early in the next conservative administration.

  • The next conservative president must make the institutions of American civil society hard targets for woke culture warriors. This starts with deleting the terms sexual orientation and gender identity (“SOGI”), diversity, equity, and inclusion (“DEI”), gender, gender equality, gender equity, gender awareness, gender-sensitive, abortion, reproductive health, reproductive rights, and any other term used to deprive A,mer98cans of their First Amendment rights out of every federal rule, agency regulation, contract, grant, regulation, and piece of legislation that exists.”