The Art of Professionalism

Characteristics of a Professional

  • Competence
    • Whatever your job description is, your boss is relying on you to do that on time and with excellence
  • Knowledge
    • Professionals are committed to becoming experts in their field and they share that knowledge with others
    • Different types of knowledge:
      • Institutional knowledge: As you work weeks, months and years in an administration you acquire more institutional knowledge over time
      • Day to day knowledge: Knowledge or information about your specific job that is immediately available to you. 
  • Conscientiousness & Integrity
    • Do what you say you’re going to do. Be reliable
    • Own your mistakes
  • Respect & Emotional Intelligence
    • Treat other people with respect and treat yourself with respect
    • Carry yourself as though you are someone who deserves to be where you are.
    • Avoid having a negative emotional response in stressful situations. Instead, take a deep breath and execute your job to the best of your ability
  • Confidence & Appropriateness
    • Strike the balance between contributing and dominating
    • Whether you are getting coffee with a coworker, at work happy hour, or at a conservative movement event, always behave professionally
    • Confidence is key - You are here for this moment; you were chosen and hired for this position, and that qualifies you to be here
  • Your boss
    • Attitude - Always go to your boss with the appropriate attitude
    • Anticipate - Know what your boss needs from you even before your boss has thought to ask it of you. 
    • Make your boss’s life as easy as you possibly can
    • Approach your boss when necessary:
      • When there is information that you need to bring to their attention
      • When you are finishing a project
  • Being a good colleague
    • You can be a team player and a leader at the same time
    • Being a servant leader is the best kind of leader, and it’s also the best kind of colleague
  • Being a good boss
    • As a manager, there will be a million variables coming from multiple directions
    • Be cool, serene and calm
    • What you put out is what you get back
    • Treat your staff with respect and foster team camaraderie 
    • Encourage all of your employees to be their best selves