Working With the Media

Self Ownership

  • Do not seek approval from the media
  • Don’t take the job in hopes of securing a high-profile job after
  • You are entering into public service
    • You are there to serve the American public and the President they elected
    • Your job is to implement the president’s agenda and disseminate information to the public. 
    • Done right, you will GIVE more than you will get back.

Realize Your Place in the Process

  • The BEST communicators in a presidential administration are often unnamed
  • ALL positions are equally important in running an effective communications operation
  • More than likely, you will be behind the scenes and not in front of the camera.

Credibility is Key - it is imperative to remain credible through your tenure.

Duties You Should Be Fulfilling

  • Effectively communicate regular government functions
  • Implement the President’s agenda
    • This is what makes us a republic. 
    • Political appointees exist to be the direct will of the people in implementing the President’s agenda. 
  • It is not “political work” to discuss what the president campaigned on
    • Political appointees have the power to decide what should be communicated to the public, NOT career government officials
    • Political Appointees should NOT be reporting to career government officials.

How the Media Works: Understanding the Media and What Their Interests Are

  • Two Types of Media
    • Legacy media: New York Times, Washington Post, cable news networks (ABC, CBS, NBC)
    • Political or Partisan Media: The Federalist, The Daily Caller, The Washington Free Beacon, The Daily Signal
  • Remember:
    • The American people read all kinds of outlets
    • Different kinds of Americans read different kidneys of outlets

Legacy Media

  • Legacy media is a multi-billion dollar industry
    • Their premise for making money is to capture your attention with salacious content
  • Unfortunately, some communicators will prioritize building relationships with legacy outlets and try to get their approval by leaking.
    • Legacy outlets will try to convince you to trade in your access and your promise to implement the President's agenda so they can get their next headline
  • Don’t let legacy media outlets convince you that conservative media is second tier media
    • The American people read ALL KINDS of outlets

Conservative Media

  • The American people deserve to know what’s happening
  • Conservative media outlets can and will factually cover what is occuring
  • Keep in mind the resource disparity - Legacy media have access to a multitude of resources whereas conservative media often run on a smaller scale
  • Giving conservative media a heads-up and embargoing information will assist them with resource allocation

Tactics to Communicate with the American People

  • Tactic #1: Press Releases
    • Communicators are not JUST distributors of information
    • Communicators should be in the driver’s seat, crafting messaging and bringing in key insights on how the information at hand is implementing the President’s agenda
  • Tactic #2: Background Calls and Off the Record Discussions
    • Give access to higher ranking officials in order to condition coverage in the long term
    • Assist mainstream outlets in better understanding the issue so they can be more factual
    • Assist conservative outlets in recognizing how the issue ties in with the President’s agenda
    • Remember:
      • Reporters need to know that you are a gatekeeper and that you are helping them to do their job
      • Create an incentive structure where they want to come to you rather than go around you
  • Tactic #3: Responding to Inquiries from Reporters
    • Reporters will ask for a comment and communicate an urgent deadline - those stories are largely already written and your effect is going to be minimal
    • Ask Good Questions:
      • Is there any fact that I can provide to you that would convince you that your narrative is incorrect?
      • What are the facts as you understand them?
      • Who else have you spoken with about this story?
      • How did you come to your conclusions?