During the election, leaders of certain online forums connected their neoliberal, misogynistic ideals of alpha masculinity to Donald Trump's public image, framing his rise as a chance to counter feminism and place a "real" man in the White House. Unfortunately, fringe websites that promote "free speech" often devolve into platforms for hateful ideologies, including misogyny and extremist views, as such content is banned on mainstream social media. The emergence of disturbingly sexist influencers like Andrew Tate highlights a troubling trend where shock value and profit are prioritized over ethics, leaving many young people unaware of the implications. The ideological divide between young men and women has never been more pronounced. How did we reach this point?

Trump and Sexist Redpilled Fart-Sniffing Internet Men

What is Redpilled?

The red pill and blue pill are metaphorical terms representing a choice between learning an unsettling or life-changing truth by taking the "red pill" or remaining in the contented experience of ordinary reality with the "blue pill". The pills were used as props in the 1999 film The Matrix.

The terms "red pill" and "blue pill" have become popular political metaphors in the United States, particularly within online hate culture. "Taking the red pill" or being "red-pilled" signifies an awakening to perceived political biases in society, especially within mainstream media, and is often associated with claims of independent thinking. Conversely, "taking the blue pill" or being "blue-pilled" implies an uncritical acceptance of these alleged biases. Those who identify as "red-pilled" frequently embrace conspiracy theories, as well as antisemitic, white supremacist, and misogynistic ideologies.

Due to its prevalence among the alt-right and those aligned with right-wing beliefs, the term "red-pilled" is sometimes used by others to refer to right-wing individuals or groups.

Trump and Adin Ross

Trump was recently in a video with youtuber Adin Ross, who became famous from sniffing farts and people’s butts. However, he is also a prominent figure in the manosphere movement and praises Andrew Tate publicly, even sniffing his chair after they are shown in a video together

Andrew Tate and the Manosphere

Who is Andrew Tate?

Andrew Tate has emerged as a controversial figure within the online manosphere, where his brand of hypermasculinity resonates with many young men seeking identity and validation. As a former kickboxer and reality TV star, Tate leveraged social media platforms to promote a lifestyle characterized by wealth, dominance, and misogyny. His self-proclaimed status as a "alpha male" and his provocative statements about women and relationships have drawn both fervent followers and significant backlash. For many young men, Tate's confident persona and extravagant lifestyle present an enticing model of success that seems to reject the vulnerabilities and complexities often associated with modern masculinity.

Misogynist Echo Chambers

The rise of Tate and similar figures has raised concerns about the normalization of toxic masculinity and its potential impact on young men. Critics argue that his teachings promote dangerous ideologies that can lead to a cycle of misogyny and entitlement, undermining the progress made toward gender equality. The online manosphere, which often cultivates echo chambers, amplifies these messages, making it challenging for young men to access more nuanced perspectives on masculinity and relationships. As Tate continues to gain traction, the implications of his influence on the attitudes and behaviors of his followers warrant close examination, as they reflect broader societal tensions regarding gender, identity, and power.

There is a disturbing trend of divergence between the views of young men and women.

The chasm opening up between young men and women does not augur well on a number of fronts. First, it is likely to entrench polarization, if these political divisions turn out to be lasting. Second, the political divide could lead to lower rates of family formation—after all, who wants to sleep with the enemy?—and potentially even lower fertility rates.
In recent years a remarkable political chasm around the world has opened up between men and women within a generation, specifically Gen Z. Data from Gallup shows that in the U.S., women aged 18 to 30 are now 30 percentage points more liberal than their male counterparts. This gender gap in ideology is five times wider than in 2000, and wider than at any previous point in polling history. There are similar gaps in Germany and the U.K. and much starker divides in South Korea and China.

Trump Mocked #MeToo in Rallies

Despite Trump himself being found liable of SEXUAL ABUSE in the E. Jean Carroll court case, and OVER 20 OTHER SEXUAL ASSAULT ALLEGATIONS he mocks the #MeToo movement at a Pennsylvania rally.

What was #MeToo?

The "Me Too" movement was founded in 2006 by Tarana Burke with the goal of supporting survivors of sexual violence, particularly young women of color from low-income communities, in their healing journeys. From its inception, the movement aimed to address the lack of resources available to survivors and to cultivate a strong community of advocates and allies. In October 2017, the movement gained international attention as the #MeToo hashtag went viral, prompting survivors worldwide to share their experiences with sexual assault and highlighting the pervasive nature of sexual violence across different cultures and societies.

The Rise of "Tradwive" and Christian influencers, who glamorize a traditional lifestyle where Mom stays at home, yet make money off their videos.

Here are some of the more popular influencers:

The Transformed Wife (Lori Alexander)

Paul & Morgan

Ms. Midwest

Classically Abby (Shapiro, Ben Shapiro's sister)

Brittany Dawn

Girl Defined

The Duggars and other "Quiverfull" families that keep women in traditional gender roles.

What is Quiverfull?

Quiverfull is a Christian fundamentalist movement that advocates for large families and believes that children are a blessing from God. The term comes from a biblical reference in Psalm 127:3-5, which describes children as "a heritage from the Lord" and likens them to arrows in a quiver. Followers of the Quiverfull movement often reject contraception and family planning, believing that God should decide the number of children a family has.

The movement is closely associated with conservative, patriarchal values, often emphasizing traditional gender roles where women are seen primarily as wives and mothers. Quiverfull families typically prioritize homeschooling and may adhere to strict interpretations of scripture, promoting a lifestyle centered around family, faith, and community. Critics of the movement argue that it can lead to issues of autonomy for women and financial strain on families, while proponents view it as a faithful response to God's call.

The Duggars - Josh Duggar Abuse Scandal

On the Megyn Kelly show, Jim Bob and Michelle Duggar defend their son Josh after he had been ousted for sexual abuse against Jill and Jessa Duggar. They said:

  • "They [the girls] didn't know anything happened because they were asleep."
  • A lot of families we have talked to have had similar things happen in their families
  • This was not rape or anything like that, this was touching them over their clothes, there were a couple of incidents with him touching them under their clothes, but it was like... a few seconds. 


Jess Edwards (R-NH) argues in favor of child marriage, calling girls "Ripe" and "Fertile"

New Hampshire Republican State Representative Jess Edwards recently sparked controversy by arguing in favor of child marriage during a legislative discussion. His comments included referring to girls as “ripe” and “fertile,” language that many find troubling and offensive. Edwards' remarks reflect a disturbing mindset that views young girls primarily in terms of their reproductive capabilities, rather than as individuals with rights and autonomy.

Russ Vought, Project 2025 author, wants to abolish abortion completely, even if the mother's life is at risk

Does Feminism Undermine the Nation? <-- The Claremont Institute

The Claremont Institute, which is referenced as a valid source throughout Project 2025, has a video calledDoes Feminism undermine the Nation?Where they discuss how Christianity and Feminism are incompatible with one another.

The Claremont Institute is on the Advisory Board of Project 2025. Their slogan is "Recovering the American Idea"

Furthermore, research from the Claremont Institute used documents pro-
vided by a whistleblower demonstrating how educators at Department of Defense schools around the world are using radical gender theory and critical race theory in their lessons. This instructional material discards biology in favor of political indoctrination and applies critical race theory’s core tenets advocating for more racial discrimination. Such ideas are highly unpopular among parents, accord- ing to nationally representative surveys, and the course material attempts to indoctrinate students with radical ideas about race and the ambiguous concept of “gender.” (p. 348)

JD Vance wants to stop women from traveling to Blue States to receive reproductive healthcare

He says that George Soros would load up an airplane of disproportionately black women every day to go have abortions in Californialike that's just a normal thing to say.

He then calls for a FEDERAL RESPONSE to stop that from happening.



  • require states to report abortion data, or else revoke Medicaid payments for family planning services.
  • Withdraw HIPAA guidance that addresses patient privacy concerns about abortion, because to them, HIPAA covers patients in the womb.


The Ensuring Accurate and Complete Abortion Data Reporting Act of 2023 would amend title XIX of the Social Security Act and Public Health Service Act to improve the CDC’s abortion reporting mechanisms by requiring states, as a condition of federal Medicaid payments for family planning services, to report streamlined variables in a timely manner. (p. 456)

OCR should withdraw its June 2022 guidance that purports to address patient privacy concerns following the Dobbs decision but is actually a politicized statement in favor of abortion and against Dobbs. HIPAA covers patients in the womb, but this guidance treats them as nonpersons contrary to law. The guidance is unnecessary and contributes to ideologically motivated fearmongering about abortion after Dobbs. (p. 497)

The Ensuring Accurate and Complete Abortion Data Reporting Act of 2023 would amend title XIX of the Social Security Act and Public Health Service Act to improve the CDC’s abortion reporting mechanisms by requiring states, as a condition of federal Medicaid payments for family planning services, to report streamlined variables in a timely manner. (p. 456)

The Ensuring Accurate and Complete Abortion Data Reporting Act of 2023 would amend title XIX of the Social Security Act and Public Health Service Act to improve the CDC’s abortion reporting mechanisms by requiring states, as a condition of federal Medicaid payments for family planning services, to report streamlined variables in a timely manner. (p. 456)

Ohio 10 year old Abortion Case

The Ohio 10-year-old abortion case gained national attention in July 2022 when a young girl became pregnant after being raped and sought an abortion. The case highlighted the complexities surrounding abortion laws in the wake of the Supreme Court's decision to overturn Roe v. Wade, which had previously protected the right to abortion.

In June 2022, a ten-year-old girl from Columbus, Ohio, traveled to Indiana for an abortion due to Ohio's laws not allowing exceptions for minors who became pregnant from rape. Her case gained national attention following the Supreme Court's decision in Dobbs v. Jackson Women's Health Organization, which overturned Roe v. Wade and enabled states to impose strict abortion restrictions.

The girl became pregnant in May 2022, when she was still nine, and her situation was reported to the Columbus police on June 22. A 27-year-old man was subsequently arrested and charged with two counts of felony rape, pleading guilty in July 2023. Additionally, the Indiana Attorney General investigated the physician who performed the abortion, leading to a review by the state’s medical licensing board in May 2023.

Right-wing media convinced their viewers that the story was fake.

South Dakota governor Kristi Noem, when asked if she would force girls of that age in her state to carry their child to term, she first avoided the question by focusing on the rapist.


#Repeal the 19 and Trump's Bible missing Amendments 11-27

After election statistician Nate Silver posted a map that showed a Trump landslide victory in 2016 if only men voted, people on twitter started the hashtag #Repeal the 19th (which, if the constitutional amendment that gives women the right to vote).

While Project 2025 itself does not suggest that women should not be allowed to vote, multiple congressmen that Trump has appointed have expressed sentiments, such as

The man who tweeted in this video is named Jack Posobiec. He wrote the book UNHUMANS that I mention in the Alt-Right Internet Spaces portion of this website. His list of authored books is terrifying.

The Trump Bible, or the "God Bless the USA Bible", is missing Constitutional Amendments 11-27. Some of the important parts of these amendments includes:

Abolishing Slavery

Women's Right to Vote

The Right for 18 Year olds to Vote

Presidential Term Limits

Equal Voting rights no matter race, color, or previous condition of servitude

The number of Senators and Representatives for each state

The right for US Citizens to vote even if they owed taxes

Vice Presidential pro-tempore (temporary) powers and succession if the president dies

Congress sets federal income tax

Birthright citizenship

Judicial power limits between states

The President and the Vice President have to be elected by vote.

Project 2025's Religious Freedom Labor Changes and How it will Impact Women

Religious Freedom for Employers

Religious Freedom for Employers

  1. America’s religious diversity means that workplaces include people of many faiths and that many employers are faith-based. Nevertheless, the Biden Administration has been hostile to people of faith, especially those with traditional beliefs about marriage, gender, and sexuality. The new Administration should enact policies with robust respect for religious exercise in the workplace, including under the First Amendment, the Religious Freedom Restoration Act of 1993 (RFRA),8 Title VII, and federal conscience protection laws (p. 585-586)
  2. Congress should clarify Title VII’s religious organization exemptions to make it more explicit that those employers may make employment decisions based on religion regardless of nondiscrimination laws. (p. 586)
  3. Issue an executive order protecting religious employers and employees. The President should make clear via executive order that religious employers are free to run their businesses according to their religious beliefs, general nondiscrimination laws notwithstanding, and support participation of religious employees and employers as federal contractors and in federal activities and programs (p. 586)


Enhanced religious freedom protections for employers could allow businesses to impose their religious beliefs on workplace policies, potentially impacting women's rights in areas like reproductive health and family leave. For example, employers might refuse to provide health coverage for contraception or deny requests for time off for religious reasons, affecting women's health and work-life balance.


Employer-Sponsored Daycare

Employer-Sponsored Daycare

  1. Congress should incentivize on-site childcare. Across the spectrum of professionalized childcare options, on-site care puts the least stress on the parent-child bond. Congress should amend the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) to clarify that an employer’s expenses in providing on-site childcare are not part of an employee’s regular rate of pay (p. 587)
  2. Prioritize funding for home-based childcare, not universal day care. As HRSA’s Early Childhood Health page outlines, “Currently, only about half of U.S. preschoolers are on-track with their development and ready for school. And more than one in four of children (28%) who experience abuse or neglect are under 3 years old.” Concurrently, children who spend significant time in day care experience higher rates of anxiety, depression, and neglect as well as poor educational and developmental outcomes. Instead of providing universal day care, funding should go to parents either to offset the cost of staying home with a child or to pay for familial, in-home childcare. (p. 486)


After Obama's ruling that made employers required to provide health insurance for full time employees, some of the largest employers such as Walmart began scheduling their employees just less than full time so they can save money. 

Employer sponsored-daycare, according to Project 2025, would be an expense eaten by the employer themselves, not federal taxes. We know how that went last time. Employers will not want to hire women of childbearing age and pay for daycare expenses.

While the introduction of employer-sponsored daycare could benefit women by providing essential childcare support, its effectiveness would depend on how widely it is implemented. If only certain employers offer this benefit, it could create disparities, with women in lower-paying or smaller jobs missing out on crucial support. Additionally, if such programs are not mandated, reliance on employer discretion could lead to inconsistent access.

Repeal Anti-Discrimination Protections

Repeal of Anti-Discrimination Protections

  1. Title VII requires reasonable accommodations for an employee’s sincerely held religious beliefs, observances, or practices unless it poses an undue hardship on the employer’s business. These accommodation protections also apply to issues related to marriage, gender, and sexuality (p. 586)
  2. DOL should commit to honest study of the challenges for women in the world of professional work. The Women’s Bureau at DOL tends towards a politicized research and engagement agenda that puts predetermined conclusions ahead of empirical study (p. 587)


If anti-discrimination laws are repealed or weakened, women may face increased workplace discrimination based on gender, including hiring, promotions, and pay equity. This could exacerbate existing inequalities and limit women's opportunities for advancement in their careers.

Betsy DeVos (Trump's Secretary of the Department of Education) and College Sexual Assaults

She said, "The notion that a school must diminish due process rights to better serve the victim, only creates more victims"

Men’s rights advocates and defense lawyers laud the new proposed rules, saying they represent a first step to level the playing field for men accused of misconduct on college campuses. They believe today’s Title IX investigation system is biased, and say the new rule restores due process for accused offenders, as DeVos intends.
Issue a general statement of policy announcing that it plans to enforce Section 1557 discrimination bans by refocusing on serious cases of race, sex, and disability discrimination. In particular, OCR should highlight its 2019 investigation and voluntary resolution agreement with Michigan State University based on the sexual abuse of gymnasts by Larry Nassar. OCR should also coordinate with the Department of Education on a public education and civil rights enforcement campaign to ensure that female college athletes who become pregnant are no longer pressured to obtain abortions; pursue race discrimination claims against entities that adopt or impose racially discriminatory policies such as those based on critical race theory; and announce its intention to enforce disability rights laws to protect children born prematurely, children with disabilities, and children born alive after abortions (p. 496)